Monday, October 23, 2017

What We've Been Up To in 2017

ACAS has been up to a few things these past months, and it has been super fun! 
In September we created painted drip pots for our AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING Mount Washington Made craft extravaganza! That was awesome! The pots were displayed during the Pancake Breakfast, and the little makers got to take them home after the event. It was fantastic. 
In October we had the incredible Sayde from Makers Mess host our pom pom making craft event, and it was an overwhelming success. I know every kid that came through created a pom pom, Makers Mess provided them with rings for mobiles or little keychains to hang from back packs, lanyards, or even hats! 
Next Month we'll have Capoeira in collaboration with Michele Czernik hosting an open studio for PTA Reflections. This will be a great day to make some noise, bust some moves, and create a work of art for the upcoming contest, PTA Reflections. 
Please add us on Instagram

More posts to come! I look forward to seeing parents and students alike. 

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Hack Your Plushie with LA Makerspace

LA Makerspace visited Mt. Washington Elementary on December, Friday 16th and presented Hack Your Plushie!, an e-textile workshop, in partnership with Art Collective After School. The workshop was sponsored by the Kids Made student artists.

LA Makerspace's instructor, Amanda Horowitz, demonstrated the basics of circuits, sensors and switches, and then the students created their own sensor-activated buzzers using a lithium battery, reed sensor and piezo. They learned how to create closed circuit with a switch. The reed sensor in the circuit was triggered when a magnet got too close. Once the sensor was triggered, the switch turned on and the buzzer was activated. The circuit portion took concentration and patience, and all the students rose to the challenge.

Once the kids made buzzers, they participated in the sewing component of the workshop. They used felt to create pockets, capes, satchels, patches and necklaces to conceal their buzzers on or in their plushie. The workshop was challenging and the kids stuck with it, bringing their own solutions and hacks to their individual project. The participants took home their unique creations for the holidays.