Friday, January 8, 2016

Silkscreening 12/4/15

Our past Arts Collective After School was a great celebration, we raised funds from a sale of the kids handmade objects to have Grow Your Own Media come onto the campus to run a silkscreen event. The event was so popular that there was a very long line of kids waiting to have their shirts printed.

There were four different options of shapes and colors that the kids could choose as the base for their shirts.

The children would cut out a shape from paper to act as a resist, thus - creating their own graphic for their shirt. This project was a great way to show positive and negative space and how it is used in silk-screening.

 The garbage was pretty gorgeous at the end of the day. 

Woodworking 11/13/15

Arts Collective After School on November 13th
had Philip Soderlind running a project on 
woodworking. There were three models of 
objects kids could make or they could choose
 to design their own form.

Regardless of weather the children choose 
their own design or followed a model, the 
first step was to draw the form and to figure 
out how many pieces and in what sizes they 
needed in order to construct the object.

This project was lots of fun and the kids had a
great time using the tools.